Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Ingenious Idea for Breaking My Bad Health Habits: Acting Like I'm Pregnant

One major difference, besides, of course, not actually being pregnant is that my aim is to lose all this extra weight, not gain! I'm fed up with myself. You know that line from Bruce Springsteen's "Dancing in the Dark," --I'm nothing but tired, just tired and bored with myself--? Well, that's me. I drink beers that I don't want to drink; I eat food I don't want to eat, for no other reason besides laziness and being in a general rut. I'm tired of being overweight, (and other gripes), but stopping suddenly is hard, even with honest and passionate convictions. But then I thought, "Wait, if I were pregnant I would have to suddenly stop all this nonsense!" So, that's my version of WWJD right now. I need some habit overhauling and this little trick I'm playing on myself has been working out pretty well. Check out my new morning ritual instead of my morning reveille of four shots of espressso over ice with a splash of soy--and the $4 price tag.

The Big Easy Being Green Super Simple Smoothie. (Basic version, add your favorite pump up potions such as hemp seeds, flax, maca, spirulina, protein / probiotic powders)

I make mine in a Magic Bullet. Measurements are to give you an idea. I just fill the blender cup.

1/2 c. frozen very ripe bananas

1/2 c. frozen pineapple

1/2 c. frozen mango (mine were champagne mangoes)

handful fresh kale (mine is the pre-washed, chopped, bagged, curly kale)

splash of water to get things moving

Blend until smooth (duh!) Kale should be no larger than wee flakes

P.S. Check your teeth for kale bits after drinking. Ha!

Affectionately called "The Sludge." This photo explains why.

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